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Seales Law Firm


Phone number (469) 208-5007

"Law Done Differently"

Seales Law Firm's sole purpose is to guide clients through the inter-workings of the criminal justice and immigration systems, empowering them with effective advice and customized solutions.

When we empower, clients succeed!

Criminal Law

From misdemeanors to felonies, Attorney Ify Seales has extensive experience working on - and winning - criminal cases, both in and out of court. As a former Assistant District Attorney and Public Defender, Mrs. Seales knows how to navigate the criminal justice system and is committed to fighting for your best interest from the minute you call. Seales Law Firm can help you with the following criminal-related matters:

Probation Violations
Early Termination of Probation
Traffic Ticket Defense

Immigration Law

Attorney Ify Seales has unique personal insight into immigration issues. Her parents were born and raised in Nigeria before moving to the United States. She experienced firsthand the financial and emotional struggle faced by foreign nationals in the United States. Witnessing these hardships, Mrs. Seales was inspired to become an an attorney who could defend those struggling with overwhelming immigration obstacles. Seales Law Firm can help you with the following immigration-related matters:

Citizenship & Naturalization
Visas (Family, Employer, and Business)
Deportation Defense
VAWA and Asylum
Employer Compliance

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City Dallas Category Immigration Law Location 325 N St. Paul St Ste 3100 Dallas, TX 75201
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